Day 11 – Visiting Llanganates National Park

Martin-Immanuel Bittner, interpreter, park ranger of the Llanganates Nationalparks (f.l.t.r) Our research took us to Llanganates National Park next. We had a long walk ahead of us once we finally found the entrance. And we had a lot to get done! We wanted to chat to more locals for our explorative interview study, with the […]

Tag 9 – Klimawandel Live am Chimborazo

Wir starteten Tag 9 im Basislager im Nebel. Um den letzten Tag auf dieser Höhe bestmöglich zu nutzen teilten wir uns auf.  Während sich die einen für den Aufstieg zum Stübel-Gletscher vorbereiteten, gingen die anderen Flora und Fauna auf knapp 4250m Höhe auf die Spur. Gleich am Morgen gab es die erste Überraschung: Christian bekam […]

Day 8 – Visiting the Abras Glacier

On Day 8, we woke up in our new home, the Refugia Carihuairazo camp. It was 5°C and there was no sign of any heating system! Before we knew it, we were setting off on our first expedition in the area. The destination of the day was the Abras Glacier.  As we made our way […]

Day 5 – Visiting the glacier

The time had finally come! We headed up to the glaciers covering Antisana together with our partners from the Universidad Estatal Amazónica on Day 5. What evidence of human impact would we find in this remote location? We were treated to stunning scenery on our journey to the volcano located about 55 km to the east […]