Day 4 – Changing the plan

The equator: where the northern and southern hemispheres meet.

The heavens well and truly opened on Day 4, so our plan to climb another volcano, Cayambe, was rained off. And so we decided to change the plan and cross the equator via an alternative route. This gave Christian the chance to continue with his ornithological survey of the birds in the local area. And Dirk used his camera robot to take some panoramic shots. We would be running automated analyses on those later to identify the vegetation zones in the wider area amongst other things. 


The Morning Bunting (Zonotrichia capensis) is a common bird in open and semi-open landscapes in Ecuador and large parts of South America.
Giant thrush (Turdus fuscater) - from the plumage similar to our blackbird, but considerably larger.
In the evening, we met up with one of our local partners, anthropologist Ferrán Cabrero from the Universidad Estatal Amazónica. He would be joining us the next day to climb Antisana, the fourth highest volcano in Ecuador at 5700 metres above sea level, where we would be taking samples.


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